How do Achieve Anaesthesia sessions work?

Candidates select either the Standard or Comprehensive Package.

For both package holders, initially, an Introductory Session is booked.  This session includes:

  • a discussion with a Course Director(s) about known and unknown weaknesses;
  • a pre-assessment will be required to help identify areas that need further attention;
  • a specific study plan will be discussed and developed to meet each Candidates needs and desires e.g. a couple of focused sessions in the weeks ahead of the exam vs multiple more comprehensive sessions during the months leading up to the exam;
  • the most suitable Tutor for each Candidate will be allocated during this session;
  • a 15-20 minute free VIVA trial will also be provided during the Introductory Session  to give Candidates a feel for future sessions.

Candidates that have selected the Standard Package will then be able to purchase Ad hoc sessions, to be booked on a day and time that suits them best. Candidates who have selected the Comprehensive Package will receive 5 sessions at a discounted price plus will gain access to the Achieve Anaesthesia Content Library, derived from recommended texts.

How do Achieve Anaesthesia sessions take place? 

All sessions take place over Zoom, on a day and time that suits you best.

Who provides Achieve Anaesthesia sessions?

Anaesthetic Trainees, Fellows or Consultants who have passed at least their ANZCA +/- FRCA primary. Many Tutors have passed both their primary and final anaesthetic examinations.

What is the basis of Achieve Anaesthesia sessions?

All session content is based on the ANZCA curriculum, derived from recommended texts.

How much do Achieve Anaesthesia sessions cost?

Adhoc sessions for Standard Package holders cost $180/hour; Comprehensive Package holders receive a discounted rate of $150/hour for 5 sessions.

The vast majority of session proceeds go to Tutors.

What if I would like to purchase more sessions?

Unlimited Ad hoc sessions may be purchased by package holders during their membership period.

Comprehensive Package holders have access to 5 discounted sessions. If further discounted sessions are desired, Comprehensive Package holders may purchase Comprehensive Extension to gain access to further discounted sessions.

Standard Package holders may also convert to the Comprehensive Package.

What if I cannot afford Achieve Anaesthesia sessions?

If any Candidate can demonstrate financial distress, Achieve Anaesthesia will provide 10 pro bono sessions.  Pro bono sessions will be assessed on a case by case basis. Please contact info@achieveanaesthesia.com if you feel you may meet the requirements.

Is Achieve Anaesthesia intended to replace other paid or voluntary primary preparation services?

No.  Achieve Anaesthesia sessions aim to provide one on one sessions to help motivated, dedicated Candidates overcome specific issues that they may face. For instance, difficult areas of the curriculum, SAQ planning/execution and/or VIVA presentation.

Achieve Anaesthesia aims to provide a supplement to other paid and voluntary primary preparation services available. Our ultimate aim is to provide another useful resource for Candidates undertaking their exam preparations.



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