
The FANZCA or FRCA is a journey, that often feels very lonely, particularly if you may have not succeeded before. This may be the first exam you sit that presents a challenge. One that requires, months of dedication, hard work, and often putting your life on hold. This is a daunting task.

We at Achieve Anaesthesia feel that you should not be alone. Our tutors will guide you and can provide one-to-one help, whether it is going over a tricky concept, vivaing you, or making a plan for your studying. We are here to help you achieve your goal.

Course Directors

Dr Rahul Mudannayake

Dr Rahul Mudannayake

MBBS, BSc (Hons), FRCA, NBE Advanced PTE diplomate, PGCert

Dr Julia Rouse

Dr Julia Gouzos

MD, LLB/B.Com (Hons), MMed (Critical Care), GradCert (Clinical Education)

Example Course Tutors

Dr Sohel Samad

MBChB, Mphil, FRCA

Dr Harriet Kent


Cameron Maxwell

MBBS, MMed (Critical Care), GradDip (Clinical Ultrasound)

Enquiries? Contact us.